Table: Vendor Statistics

Table: APVSM
View: AP0019
Record Length: 267

Flags: A R 

Keys: 1

Title Flags Fields


Fields: 37

Field Type Title Presentation

VENDORID String*12 Vendor Number Mask: %-12C
CNTYR String*4 Year Mask: %04D
CNTPERD String*2 Period Mask: %02D
AUDTORG String*6
CNTINVC BCD*3.0 Number of Invoices
CNTCR BCD*3.0 Number of Credit Notes
CNTDR BCD*3.0 Number of Debit Notes
CNTPAYM BCD*3.0 Number of Payments
CNTDISC BCD*3.0 Number of Discounts
CNTLOST BCD*3.0 Number of Discounts Lost
CNTADJ BCD*3.0 Number of Adjustments
CNTINVCPD BCD*3.0 Number of Paid Invoices
CNTDTOPAY BCD*3.0 Number of Days to Pay
AMTINVCHC BCD*10.3 Total Invoices in Func. Currency
AMTCRHC BCD*10.3 Total Credits in Func. Currency
AMTDRHC BCD*10.3 Total Debits in Func. Currency
AMTPAYMHC BCD*10.3 Total Payments in Func. Currency
AMTDISCHC BCD*10.3 Total Discounts in Func. Curr.
AMTLOSTHC BCD*10.3 Total Discounts Lost - Func. Curr.
AMTADJHC BCD*10.3 Total Adjustments in Func. Curr.
AMTPURHC BCD*10.3 Reserved
AMTINVPDHC BCD*10.3 Total Invoices Pd. in Func. Curr.
AMTINVCTC BCD*10.3 Total Invoices in Vend. Curr.
AMTCRTC BCD*10.3 Total Credits in Vend. Curr.
AMTDRTC BCD*10.3 Total Debits in Vend. Curr.
AMTPAYMTC BCD*10.3 Total Payments in Vend. Curr.
AMTDISCTC BCD*10.3 Total Discounts in Vend. Curr.
AMTLOSTTC BCD*10.3 Total Discounts Lost in Vend. Curr.
AMTADJTC BCD*10.3 Total Adjustments in Vend. Curr.
AMTPURTC BCD*10.3 Reserved
AMTINPDTC BCD*10.3 Total Invoices Pd. in Vend. Curr.
AMTBLRVLTC BCD*10.3 Revaluation Bal. in Vend. Curr.
CNTPUR BCD*3.0 Reserved
AVGDAYSPAY BCD*5.1 Average Days to Pay