View: Generate Labels

RotoID: AR0180

Protocol: Superview

Keys: 0

Title Fields

Fields: 12

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

SELSEQ 1 Long Sequence Number E A 
PRINTBY 2 Integer Print By E A  List:2 entries
0 = Customer Address
1 = Ship-To Location Address
SELECTBY 3 Integer Select By E A P  List:2 entries
0 = Customer Number
1 = Customer/Document Number
IDCUSTFR 4 String*12 From Customer Number E A  Mask: %-12C
IDCUSTTO 5 String*12 To Customer Number E A  Mask: %-12C
IDSHIPTOFR 6 String*6 From Ship-To Location E A  Mask: %-6C
IDSHIPTOTO 7 String*6 To Ship-To Location E A  Mask: %-6C
IDINVCFR 8 String*22 From Document Number E A  Mask: %-22C
IDINVCTO 9 String*22 To Document Number E A  Mask: %-22C
NUMCOPIES 10 Integer Number of Copies E A 
SWPRINTED 11 Integer Include Labels Already Printed E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
PROCESSCMD 12 Integer Process Command E A  List:2 entries
0 = Generate Label Addresses
1 = Update Printed Flag