View: Revise Estimates Wizard

RotoID: PM0552

Protocol: Superview

Compositions: 2

RotoID Tables Title DLL

PM0058 PMCHNGH Revise Estimates PMCHNGH
PM0059 PMCHNGD Revise Estimates Detail PMCHNGD

Keys: 0

Title Fields

Fields: 19

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

FROMCONT 1 String*16 From ^1 E A  Mask: %-16C
TOCONT 2 String*16 To ^1 E A  Mask: %-16C
FROMPROJ 3 String*16 From ^2 E A  Mask: %-16N
TOPROJ 4 String*16 To ^2 E A  Mask: %-16N
FROMCAT 5 String*16 From ^3 E A  Mask: %-16N
TOCAT 6 String*16 To ^3 E A  Mask: %-16N
FROMRES 7 String*24 From Resource E A  Mask: %-24C
TORES 8 String*24 To Resource E A  Mask: %-24C
FROMCUST 9 String*12 From Customer E A  Mask: %-12C
TOCUST 10 String*12 To Customer E A  Mask: %-12C
INCOPEN 11 Integer Include Open ^4 E A 
INCHOLD 12 Integer Include On Hold ^4 E A 
CHNGORDNO 13 String*16 Revise Estimate Number E A  Mask: %-16C
DFIELD 50 Integer Update E A  List:6 entries
1 = Unit Cost
2 = Billing Rate
3 = Labor Rate
4 = Labor Percentage
5 = Overhead Rate
6 = Overhead Percentage
DACTION 51 Integer Method E A  List:5 entries
1 = Increase by percent
2 = Decrease by percent
3 = Increase by amount
4 = Decrease by amount
5 = Set to value
DPERCENT 52 BCD*5.5 Percentage E A X 
DAMOUNT 53 BCD*10.3 Amount A X 
BMETER 54 Integer E A  List:3 entries
0 = No meter
1 = Meter
2 = Meter but no cancel button
MAXLINES 55 Long Maximum lines per worksheet E A