View: Receipt and Adjustment Options

RotoID: AR0003
Table: ARR03
Protocol: Flat

Keys: 1

Title Fields

Receipt Options Key IDR03

Fields: 44

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

IDR03 1 String*3 Receipt/Adjustment Options Key E A K R  Mask: %-3N
DATEMNTN 2 Date Date Last Maintained E A C 
PAYMBTCH 3 BCD*5.0 Next Receipt Batch Number E A 
ADJBTCH 4 BCD*5.0 Next Adjustment Batch Number E A 
ADJTRX 5 BCD*5.0 Reserved E 
PAYMCODE 6 String*12 Default Payment Code E A  Mask: %-12N
BANKID 7 String*8 Default Bank Code E A  Mask: %-8N
PRTDEPS 8 Integer Allow Printing of Deposit Slips E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
PAYMEDIT 9 Integer Edit After Dep. Slip Printed E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
PAYMPOST 10 Integer Force Printing of Deposit Slips E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
OBLORDR 11 Integer Default Order of Open Documents E A  List:8 entries
1 = Document Number
2 = PO Number
3 = Due Date
4 = Order Number
5 = Document Date
6 = Current Balance
7 = Shipment Number
8 = Original Doc. No.
ATRPAYMSEQ 12 BCD*5.0 Next Receipt Posting Seq. E A 
ATRADJSEQ 13 BCD*5.0 Next Adjustment Posting Seq. E A 
PPDPREFIX 14 String*6 Prepayment Prefix E A  Mask: %-6C
PPDPFXLEN 15 BCD*2.0 Prepayment Number Length E A 
CNTPPDSEQ 16 BCD*5.0 Next Prepayment Number E A 
UCPREFIX 17 String*6 Unapplied Cash Prefix E A  Mask: %-6C
UCPFXLEN 18 BCD*2.0 Unapplied Cash Number Length E A 
CNTUCSEQ 19 BCD*5.0 Next Unapplied Cash Number E A 
DFRATETYPE 20 String*2 Reserved E 
SWALOWADJ 21 Integer Allow Adj. in Receipt Batch E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
ADPREFIX 22 String*6 Adjustment Prefix E A  Mask: %-6C
ADPFXLEN 23 BCD*2.0 Adjustment Number Length E A 
CNTADSEQ 24 BCD*5.0 Next Adjustment Number E A 
RMITTYPE 25 Integer Default Transaction Type E A  List:5 entries
1 = Receipt
2 = Prepayment
3 = Unapplied Cash
4 = Apply Document
5 = Misc. Receipt
STMTSEQ 26 Long Next Statement Number E A 
PYPREFIX 27 String*6 Receipt Prefix E A  Mask: %-6C
PYPFXLEN 28 BCD*2.0 Receipt Number Length E A 
CNTPYSEQ 29 BCD*5.0 Next Receipt Number E A 
RFBTCH 30 BCD*5.0 Next Refund Batch Number E A 
RFPREFIX 31 String*6 Refund Prefix E A  Mask: %-6C
RFPFXLEN 32 BCD*2.0 Refund Number Length E A 
CNTRFSEQ 33 BCD*5.0 Next Refund Number E A 
ATRRFSEQ 34 BCD*5.0 Next Refund Posting Seq. E A 
SWALOWRCED 35 Integer Edit After Receipt Printed E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
SWCREATDEP 36 Integer Create Deposit Automatically E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
SWCHKDUP 37 Integer Check for Duplicate Checks E A  List:3 entries
0 = None
1 = Warning
2 = Error
SWSHRCPND 38 Integer Include Pending Transactions E A  List:4 entries
0 = None
1 = Receipts
2 = Receipts and Adjustments
3 = All Transactions
SWDATEBUS 39 Integer Default Posting Date E A  List:3 entries
0 = Document Date
1 = Batch Date
2 = Session Date
SORTCHKBY 40 Integer Sort Checks By E A  List:5 entries
0 = Transaction Entry Number
1 = Customer Number
2 = Payee Name
3 = Payee Country
4 = Payee Zip/Postal Code
SFPABANKID 41 String*8 Payments Acceptance Default Bank ID E A  Mask: %-8N
SFPADATE 42 Date Payments Acceptance Retrieval Date E A 
SFPATIME 43 Time Payments Acceptance Retrieval Time E A 
SFPAENABLE 80 Boolean Payments Acceptance Enabled E A