View: Create Recurring Charge

RotoID: AR0059

Protocol: Superview

Keys: 0

Title Fields

Fields: 14

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

SWFLDINDEX 1 Integer Range Type E A P  List:6 entries
1 = Recurring Charge Code
2 = Customer Number
4 = Customer Group
5 = National Account
6 = Schedule Link
7 = Specific Recurring Charge Code
IDRANGEFRM 2 String*60 Range From E A P  Mask: %-16C
IDRANGETHR 3 String*60 Range Through E A P  Mask: %-16C
DATERUN 4 Date Run Date E A 
MODE 5 Integer Mode E A 
FISCYEAR 6 String*4 Fiscal Year E A  Mask: %04D
FISCPERD 7 String*2 Fiscal Period E A  Mask: %02D
SCHEDKEY 8 String*12 Schedule Key E A  Mask: %-12N
SCHEDLINK 9 BCD*10.0 Schedule Link E A 
STATUS 10 Integer Status E A 
SWDATEMETH 11 Integer Date Generation Method E A P  List:3 entries
0 = Run Date
1 = Next Schedule Date
2 = Specific Date
SWBTCHMETH 12 Integer Batch Generation Method E A P  List:3 entries
0 = Default
1 = Create a New Batch
2 = Add to an Existing Batch
DATEFORCED 13 Date Forced Invoice Date E A 
BTCHAPPEND 14 BCD*5.0 Append to Batch Number E A