View: Delete Inactive Record

RotoID: AR0066

Protocol: Superview

Keys: 0

Title Fields

Fields: 20

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

STRTCUSID 1 String*12 From Customer No. E A  Mask: %-12C
ENDCUSID 2 String*12 To Customer No. E A  Mask: %-12C
STRTGRPID 3 String*6 From Group Code E A  Mask: %-6N
ENDGRPID 4 String*6 To Group Code E A  Mask: %-6N
STRTNATID 5 String*12 From National Account E A  Mask: %-12C
ENDNATID 6 String*12 To National Account E A  Mask: %-12C
STRTSAPID 7 String*8 From Salesperson E A  Mask: %-8N
ENDSAPID 8 String*8 To Salesperson E A  Mask: %-8N
STRTCSPCUS 9 String*12 From Ship-To Customer No. E A  Mask: %-12C
ENDCSPCUS 10 String*12 To Ship-To Customer No. E A  Mask: %-12C
STRTDATE 11 Date From Date E A 
ENDDATE 12 Date To Date E A 
SWPRGCUS 13 Integer Delete Customers E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
SWPRGGRP 14 Integer Delete Groups E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
SWPRGNAT 15 Integer Delete National Accounts E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
SWPRGSAP 16 Integer Delete Salespersons E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
SWPRGCSP 17 Integer Delete Ship-To Locations E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
SWPRGSIA 18 Integer Delete Recurring Charges E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
STRTIDINVC 19 String*16 From Recurring Charge E A  Mask: %-16C
ENDIDINVC 20 String*16 To Recurring Charge E A  Mask: %-16C