View: Reprint Statement Header

RotoID: AR0110
Protocol: Flat, Key auto generate

Keys: 2

Title Fields

Statement Run Number STMTSEQ
Statement Run Date STMTDATE

Fields: 38

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

STMTSEQ 1 Long Statement Run Number E A K R 
STMTDATE 2 Date Statement Run Date E A 
SWFINISH 3 Integer Statement Run Completed Flag E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
DATECUTOFF 4 Date Cutoff Date E A 
SWINVCDATE 5 Integer Due Date / Invoice Date E A  List:2 entries
0 = Due Date
1 = Doc Date
SWDEBIT 6 Integer Include Debit Balances E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
SWCREDIT 7 Integer Include Credit Balances E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
SWZEROBAL 8 Integer Include Zero Balances E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
SWINCLPAID 9 Integer Include Fully Paid Transactions E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
SWDETAIL 10 Integer Include Details E A  List:2 entries
0 = Summary
1 = Detail
SWTYPERUN 11 Integer Run Type E A  List:3 entries
0 = Customer Statements
1 = National Acct. Statements
2 = Letters or Labels
SWDTLSRTBY 12 Integer Detail Sort E A  List:2 entries
0 = Doc No.
1 = Doc Date
IDDUNNING 13 String*8 Dunning Message Code E A 
IDFROM1 14 String*60 Range 1 From E A 
IDTO1 15 String*60 Range 1 To E A 
INDEX1 16 Integer Range 1 Type E A 
IDFROM2 17 String*60 Range 2 From E A 
IDTO2 18 String*60 Range 2 To E A 
INDEX2 19 Integer Range 2 Type E A 
IDFROM3 20 String*60 Range 3 From E A 
IDTO3 21 String*60 Range 3 To E A 
INDEX3 22 Integer Range 3 Type E A 
IDFROM4 23 String*60 Range 4 From E A 
IDTO4 24 String*60 Range 4 To E A 
INDEX4 25 Integer Range 4 Type E A 
RPTNAME 26 String*255 Report Name E A 
DELMETHOD 27 Integer Delivery Method E A  List:2 entries
1 = Customer
0 = Print Destination
SORTINDEX1 28 Integer Sort field 1 E A 
SORTINDEX2 29 Integer Sort field 2 E A 
SORTINDEX3 30 Integer Sort field 3 E A 
SORTINDEX4 31 Integer Sort field 4 E A 
AGEPERIOD1 32 BCD*3.0 Current E A 
AGEPERIOD2 33 BCD*3.0 First Period E A 
AGEPERIOD3 34 BCD*3.0 Second Period E A 
AGEPERIOD4 35 BCD*3.0 Third Period E A 
SWOVERDUE 36 Integer Select Customers Based On Overdue Days E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
OVERDUEDAY 37 Long Number of Overdue Days and Later E A 
STMTTYPE 38 Integer Open Item Statement Type E A  List:5 entries
0 = Version 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 Format
1 = Balance Forward
2 = Transaction Current Outstanding Balances
3 = Transaction Opening Balances Showing Applied Details
4 = Transaction Opening Balances and New Transactions