Table: National Account Statistics

Table: ARNSM
View: AR0029
Record Length: 298

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Fields: 41

Field Type Title Presentation

IDNATLACCT String*12 National Account Number Mask: %-12C
CNTYR String*4 Year Mask: %04D
CNTPERD String*2 Period Mask: %02D
AUDTORG String*6
CNTINVC BCD*3.0 Number of Invoices
CNTCR BCD*3.0 Number of Credit Notes
CNTDR BCD*3.0 Number of Debit Notes
CNTPAYM BCD*3.0 Number of Receipts
CNTDISC BCD*3.0 Number of Discounts
CNTADJ BCD*3.0 Number of Adjustments
CNTWROF BCD*3.0 Number of Write-Offs
CNTINTT BCD*3.0 Number of Interest Charges
CNTRIF BCD*3.0 Number of Returned Checks
CNTINVCPD BCD*3.0 Number of Invoices Paid
CNTDYTOPY BCD*3.0 Number of Days to Pay
AMTINVHCUR BCD*10.3 Total Invoices in Func. Currency
AMTCRHCUR BCD*10.3 Total Credits in Func. Currency
AMTDRHCUR BCD*10.3 Total Debits in Func. Currency
AMTPYMHCUR BCD*10.3 Total Receipts in Func. Currency
AMTDSCHCUR BCD*10.3 Total Discounts in Func. Curr.
AMTADJHCUR BCD*10.3 Total Adjustments in Func. Curr.
AMTWRFHCUR BCD*10.3 Total Write-Offs in Func. Curren
AMTINTHCUR BCD*10.3 Total Interest in Func. Curr.
AMTRIFHCUR BCD*10.3 Total Ret'd. Checks Func. Curr.
AMTINVPD BCD*10.3 Total Invoices Paid Func. Curr.
AMTINVTCUR BCD*10.3 Total Invoices in Cust. Curr.
AMTCRTCUR BCD*10.3 Total Credits in Cust. Curr.
AMTDRTCUR BCD*10.3 Total Debits in Cust. Curr.
AMTPYMTCUR BCD*10.3 Total Receipts in Cust. Curr.
AMTDSCTCUR BCD*10.3 Total Discounts in Cust. Curr.
AMTADJTCUR BCD*10.3 Total Adjustments in Cust. Curr.
AMTWRFTCUR BCD*10.3 Total Write-Offs in Cust. Curr.
AMTINTTCUR BCD*10.3 Total Interest in Cust. Curr.
AMTRIFTCUR BCD*10.3 Total Ret'd. Checks Cust. Curr.
AMTINVPTHC BCD*10.3 Total Invoices Paid Cust. Curr.
CNTRF BCD*3.0 Number of Refunds
AMTRFHC BCD*10.3 Total Refunds in Func. Currency
AMTRFTC BCD*10.3 Total Refunds in Cust. Currency