View: Bank Posting Journal Control

RotoID: BK0020
Protocol: Batch, Key auto generate

Compositions: 4

RotoID Tables Title DLL

BK0011 BKJRNL Bank Posting Journal BKJRNL
BK0033 BKJTFR Transfer Audit BKJTFR
BK0012 BKJERR Bank Posting Error Journal BKJERR
BK0665 BKJENTH Bank Entries Journal Header BKJENTH

Keys: 1

Title Fields

Posting Sequence PSTSEQ

Fields: 15

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

PSTSEQ 1 BCD*5.0 Posting Sequence E A K R 
FROMBANK 2 String*8 From Bank E A 
TOBANK 3 String*8 To Bank E A 
POSTDATE 4 Date Date Posted to GL E A 
POSTUSER 5 String*8 Posting User A 
POSTSTAT 6 Integer Posting Status E A  List:5 entries
1 = Posting
2 = Pending print
3 = Printed
5 = Pending purge
4 = Purging
PRINTDATE 7 Date Last Date Journal Printed E A 
GLDEFER 8 Boolean Create G/L Batches A  List:2 entries
0 = During Posting
1 = On Request Using Create G/L Batch Icon
GLCONSOL 9 Integer Consolidate G/L Batches A  List:3 entries
1 = Post all details
2 = Account/Fiscal Period/Source Code
3 = Account/Fiscal Period
GLAPPEND 10 Integer Create G/L Transactions By A  List:3 entries
1 = Adding to an Existing Batch
0 = Creating a New Batch
2 = Creating and Posting a New Batch
GLBATCH 11 BCD*10.0 G/L Batch Number E A 
GLTRANS 12 Boolean G/L Batch Transferred E A 
POSTTYPE 13 Integer Posting Type A  List:3 entries
1 = Reconciliation
2 = Transfer
3 = Bank Entries
BANKSEQ 14 Long Bank Sequence E A 
PRINTED 30 Boolean Printed? A C  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes