View: Account Groups

RotoID: GL0055
Protocol: Flat

Keys: 2

Title Fields

Account Group ACCTGRPCOD
Sort Order - Account Group SORTCODEACCTGRPCOD

Fields: 4

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

ACCTGRPCOD 1 String*12 Account Group Code E A K R  Mask: %-12N
ACCTGRPDES 2 String*60 Account Group Description E A 
SORTCODE 3 String*12 Account Group Sort Code E A  Mask: %-12N
GRPCOD 4 Integer Group Category A X  List:22 entries
0 =
10 = Cash and Cash Equivalents
20 = Accounts Receivable
30 = Inventory
40 = Other Current Assets
50 = Fixed Assets
60 = Accumulated Depreciation
70 = Other Assets
80 = Accounts Payable
90 = Other Current Liabilities
100 = Long Term Liabilities
110 = Other Liabilities
120 = Share Capital
130 = Shareholders' Equity
140 = Revenue
150 = Cost of Sales
160 = Other Revenue
170 = Other Expenses
180 = Depreciation Expense
190 = Gains/Losses
200 = Interest Expense
210 = Income Taxes