View: Assemblies

RotoID: IC0160
Protocol: Header, Key auto generate

Compositions: 6

RotoID Tables Title DLL

IC0200 ICBOMH Bills of Material ICBOMH
IC0370 ICLOC Locations ICLOC
IC0290 ICILOC Location Details ICILOC
IC0165 ICASENO Assembly Optional Fields ICASENO
IC0162 ICASENL Assembly Lot Details ICASENL
IC0167 ICASENS Assembly Serial Details ICASENS

Keys: 10

Title Fields

Sequence Number ASSMENSEQ
Transaction Number TRANSNUM
Type and Sequence Number TRANSTYPEASSMENSEQ
Type and Document Number TRANSTYPEDOCNUM
Document Number DOCNUM
IC-Unique Document Number DOCUNIQ
Status by Document Number STATUSDOCNUM
Master Assembly Number MASTASSNUMDOCNUM
Master Assembly/Multilevel Seq. MASTASSNUMMULTSEQ

Fields: 75

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

ASSMENSEQ 1 Long Sequence Number E A K R 
TRANSNUM 2 BCD*10.0 Transaction Number E A C 
DOCNUM 3 String*22 Assembly Number E A  Mask: %-22C
TRANSDATE 4 Date Transaction Date E A 
FISCYEAR 5 String*4 Fiscal Year E A  Mask: %4D
FISCPERIOD 6 Integer Fiscal Period E A P  List:12 entries
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4
5 = 5
6 = 6
7 = 7
8 = 8
9 = 9
10 = 10
11 = 11
12 = 12
REFERENCE 7 String*60 Reference E A 
HDRDESC 8 String*60 Description E A 
ITEMNO 9 String*24 Item Number E A  Mask: %-24C
BOMNO 10 String*6 BOM Number E A  Mask: %-6N
LOCATION 11 String*6 Location E A  Mask: %-6N
QUANTITY 12 BCD*10.4 Quantity E A 
UNIT 13 String*10 Unit of Measure A C 
TRANSTYPE 14 Integer Transaction Type E A  List:2 entries
1 = Assembly
2 = Disassembly
DOCUNIQ 15 BCD*10.0 IC-Unique Document Number E A 
STATUS 16 Integer Record Status E A  List:4 entries
1 = Entered
2 = Posted
3 = Costed
20 = Day End Completed
DELETED 17 Boolean Record Deleted E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
MANITEMNO 18 String*24 Manufacturer's Item Number E A  Mask: %-24C
UNITCOST 19 BCD*10.6 Unit Cost E A 
FROMASSNUM 20 String*22 From Assembly Number E A  Mask: %-22C
FROMASSQTY 21 BCD*10.4 From Assembly Quantity E A 
DISASSCOST 22 BCD*10.3 Disassembly Cost E A 
PRINTED 23 Boolean Record Printed E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
VALUES 24 Long Optional Fields E A C 
MASTASSNUM 25 String*22 Master Assembly Number E A C  Mask: %-22C
COMPASSMTD 26 Integer Component Assembly Method E A P  List:3 entries
0 = None
1 = All Component Master Items
2 = Component Master Items with Insufficient Quantity
USEDQTY 27 BCD*10.4 Quantity Used E A C 
NEEDQTYSTK 28 BCD*10.4 Qty Needed (Stocking UOM) E A C 
MULTLEVEL 29 Integer Multilevel Level E A C 
MULTSEQ 30 Long Multilevel Seq. No. E A C 
PRNMULTSEQ 31 Long Multilevel Parent Seq. No. E A C 
PRNASSNUM 32 String*22 Multilevel Parent Assembly No. E A C  Mask: %-22C
CMPMASTITM 33 String*24 Component's Master Item No. E A C  Mask: %-24C
ENTEREDBY 34 String*8 Entered By E A  Mask: %-8N
DATEBUS 35 Date Posting Date E A 
SITEMCOUNT 36 Long Serial Items in Assembly E A C 
LITEMCOUNT 37 Long Lot Items in Assembly E A C 
REMAINASSD 38 BCD*10.4 Assembly Quantity Remaining E A 
CONVERSION 41 BCD*10.6 Conversion Factor E A C 
IPCID 42 Long Inter-process Comm. ID E A 
ESTIMACOST 43 BCD*10.3 Estimated Cost E A 
FORCEPOPSN 44 Boolean Force Pop-up SN E A 
POPUPSN 45 Integer Pop-up SN E A 
CLOSESN 46 Boolean Close SN E A 
LTSETID 47 Long LT Set ID E A 
FORCEPOPLT 48 Boolean Force Pop-up LT E A 
POPUPLT 49 Integer Pop-up LT E A 
CLOSELT 50 Boolean Close LT E A 
CDOCNUM 51 String*22 Assembly Number E A 
POSTSEQNUM 52 Long Post Sequence Number A C 
FROMASSSEQ 53 Long From Assembly Seq. A C 
PROCESSCMD 54 Integer Process Command E A C  List:8 entries
0 = Nothing to Process
1 = Insert Optional Fields
21 = Auto-generate Serials
22 = Auto-generate Lots
23 = Auto-allocate Serials
24 = Auto-allocate Lots
25 = Clear Serials
26 = Clear Lots
FMTITEMNO 55 String*24 Formatted Item Number A C 
FMTCMPMAST 56 String*24 Formatted Comp. Master Item No. A C 
ITEMDESC 57 String*60 Item Description A C 
GLBATCHID 58 String*6 G/L Batch ID E A C  Mask: %06D
XGENALCQTY 59 BCD*10.4 Serial/Lot Quantity to Process E A C 
XLOTMAKQTY 60 BCD*10.4 Number of Lots to Generate E A C 
XPERLOTQTY 61 BCD*10.4 Quantity per Lot E A C 
THISCOMPID 62 Long Comp ID Currently Processed E A C 
XPRNCOMPID 63 Long Parent Serial/Lot Component ID A C 
XITEM 64 String*24 Serial/Lot Item A C 
XBOMNO 65 String*6 Serial/Lot BOM Number A C 
XUNIT 66 String*10 Serial/Lot Item Unit of Measure A C 
XPRNITEM 67 String*24 Serial Master Item A C 
SQTYNEEDED 68 BCD*10.4 Serial Quantity Required A C 
LQTYNEEDED 69 BCD*10.4 Lot Quantity Required A C 
SQTYGENALC 70 BCD*10.4 Serial Quantity E A C 
LQTYGENALC 71 BCD*10.4 Lot Quantity E A C 
XPRNSERNUM 72 String*40 Master Serial Number E A C 
XPRNSACTN 73 Integer Master Serial Process Action E A C  List:5 entries
0 = None
1 = Add Master Serial
2 = Delete Master Serial
3 = Verify Master Serial
4 = Assign Master Serials to Comps
SALLOCFROM 74 String*40 Allocate from Serial E A C 
LALLOCFROM 75 String*40 Allocate from Lot E A C 
METERHWND 76 Long Serial/Lot Window Handle E A C 
NOUPDATE 77 Boolean Disallow save/post A C