View: Post Item Costs

RotoID: IC0270

Protocol: Superview

Compositions: 2

RotoID Tables Title DLL

IC0290 ICILOC Location Details ICILOC

Keys: 0

Title Fields

Fields: 23

Field Index Type Title Attributes Presentation

ITEMNO 1 String*24 Item Number E A  Mask: %-24C
LOCATION 2 String*6 Location E A  Mask: %-6N
SHIPDATE 3 Date Ship Date E A 
QTYTOCOST 4 BCD*10.4 Quantity to Cost E A 
MDCOMPUTE 5 Integer Costing Method E A  List:5 entries
1 = FIFO
2 = LIFO
3 = Average
4 = Lot
5 = Serial
MDBUCKET 6 Integer Bucket Allocation E A  List:3 entries
1 = FIFO
2 = LIFO
3 = Automatic
MDGIVEN 7 Integer Overall Cost of Goods E A  List:4 entries
1 = Computed Cost
2 = Given Cost
3 = Standard Cost With Variance
4 = Most Recent With Variance
MDUNSTOCK 8 Integer Out-of-stock Costing E A  List:2 entries
1 = Not Costed
2 = Most Recent Cost
ECGIVEN 9 BCD*10.3 Supplied Extended Cost E A 
MDPOSTTYPE 10 Integer Post Type E A  List:2 entries
1 = Shipment
2 = End-of-Day
POSTING 11 Boolean Posting E A  List:2 entries
0 = No
1 = Yes
QTYSTOCK 12 BCD*10.4 Stock Quantity Costed E A 
QTYNONSTCK 13 BCD*10.4 Out-of-stock Quantity Costed E A 
QTYNONCOST 14 BCD*10.4 Quantity Not Costed E A 
ECSTOCK 15 BCD*10.3 Stock Extended Cost E A 
ECNONSTCK 16 BCD*10.3 Out-of-stock Extended Cost E A 
AMTCONTROL 17 BCD*10.3 Inventory Control Amount E A 
AMTVARIANC 18 BCD*10.3 Cost Variance Amount E A 
PROCESSCMD 41 Integer Lot/Serial Command E A 
COSTLTSL 42 BCD*10.3 Serial/Lot Cost E A 
SERIAL 43 String*40 Serial Number E A 
LOT 44 String*40 Lot Number E A 
QTYLOT 45 BCD*10.4 Lot Quantity E A