Table: Revise Estimates Detail

View: PM0059
Record Length: 1062

Flags: A R 

Keys: 3

Title Flags Fields

Sequence/Line Number SEQLINENO
Document Number/Line Number CHNGORDNOLINENO
Sequence/Detail Number SEQDETAILNUM

Fields: 90

Field Type Title Presentation

SEQ Long Sequence
LINENO Long Line Number
AUDTORG String*6
CHNGORDNO String*16 Revise Estimate Number Mask: %-16C
DETAILNUM Long Detail Number
FMTCONTNO String*16 ^1 Mask: %-16C
CONTRACT String*16 ^1 Mask: %-16C
PROJECT String*16 ^2 Mask: %-16N
CATEGORY String*16 ^3 Mask: %-16N
RESOURCE String*24 Resource Mask: %-24C
COSTTYPE Integer Cost Type List:7 entries
0 = None
1 = Labor
2 = Material
3 = Equipment
4 = Subcontractor
5 = Overhead
6 = Miscellaneous
TYPE Integer Type List:4 entries
0 = None
1 = Project
2 = Category
3 = Resource Category
ACTION Integer Action List:2 entries
1 = Add New
2 = Modify Existing
CBILLTYPE Integer Billing Type List:3 entries
2 = Billable
3 = No Charge
1 = Non-billable
RBILLTYPE Integer Billing Type List:3 entries
2 = Billable
3 = No Charge
1 = Non-billable
COSTCCY String*3 Cost Currency Mask: %-3N
BILLCCY String*3 Billing Currency Mask: %-3N
CDESC String*60 Description
RDESC String*60 Description
CARITEM String*16 A/R Item No. Mask: %-16C
RARITEM String*16 A/R Item No. Mask: %-16C
CARUOM String*10 A/R Unit of Measure Mask: %-10C
RARUOM String*10 A/R Unit of Measure Mask: %-10C
CICUOM String*10 ^7 Mask: %-10c
RICUOM String*10 ^7 Mask: %-10c
CQUANTITY BCD*10.5 Quantity
RQUANTITY BCD*10.5 Quantity
CUNITCOST BCD*10.6 Unit Cost
RUNITCOST BCD*10.6 Unit Cost
CEXTCOSTSR BCD*10.3 Extended Cost
REXTCOSTSR BCD*10.3 Extended Cost
CEXTCOSTHM BCD*10.3 Extended Cost
REXTCOSTHM BCD*10.3 Extended Cost
CLABORTYPE Integer Labor Type List:3 entries
1 = None
2 = Flat Rate Per Labor Hour/Unit
3 = Percentage of Labor Cost
RLABORTYPE Integer Labor Type List:3 entries
1 = None
2 = Flat Rate Per Labor Hour/Unit
3 = Percentage of Labor Cost
CLABORRATE BCD*10.6 Labor Rate
RLABORRATE BCD*10.6 Labor Rate
CLABORPER BCD*5.5 Labor Percentage
RLABORPER BCD*5.5 Labor Percentage
CLABORAMT BCD*10.3 Labor Amount
RLABORAMT BCD*10.3 Labor Amount
COHTYPE Integer Overhead Type List:3 entries
1 = None
2 = Flat Rate Per Unit
5 = Percentage of Cost
ROHTYPE Integer Overhead Type List:3 entries
1 = None
2 = Flat Rate Per Unit
5 = Percentage of Cost
COHRATE BCD*10.6 Overhead Rate
ROHRATE BCD*10.6 Overhead Rate
COHPER BCD*5.5 Overhead Percentage
ROHPER BCD*5.5 Overhead Percentage
COHAMT BCD*10.3 Overhead Amount
ROHAMT BCD*10.3 Overhead Amount
CTOTCOSTSR BCD*10.3 Total Cost
RTOTCOSTSR BCD*10.3 Total Cost
CTOTCOSTHM BCD*10.3 Total Cost
RTOTCOSTHM BCD*10.3 Total Cost
CCOSTPLUSP BCD*5.5 Cost Plus Percentage
RCOSTPLUSP BCD*5.5 Cost Plus Percentage
CBILLRATE BCD*10.6 Billing Rate
RBILLRATE BCD*10.6 Billing Rate
CEXTBILLSR BCD*10.3 Extended Billing Amount
REXTBILLSR BCD*10.3 Extended Billing Amount
CEXTBILLHM BCD*10.3 Extended Billing Amount
REXTBILLHM BCD*10.3 Extended Billing Amount
CFPAMTSR BCD*10.3 Fixed Price Amount
RFPAMTSR BCD*10.3 Fixed Price Amount
CFPAMTHM BCD*10.3 Fixed Price Amount
RFPAMTHM BCD*10.3 Fixed Price Amount
CRATETYPE String*2 Rate Type Mask: %-2N
CRATEDATE Date Rate Date
CRATEOP Integer Rate Op List:2 entries
1 = Multiply
2 = Divide
CRATE BCD*8.7 Rate
RATETYPE String*2 Rate Type Mask: %-2N
RATEDATE Date Rate Date
RATEOP Integer Rate Operation List:2 entries
1 = Multiply
2 = Divide
RATE BCD*8.7 Rate
RATESPREAD BCD*8.7 Rate Spread
COMMENTS String*250 Comment
CONTSTYLE Integer ^1 Style List:2 entries
1 = Standard
2 = Basic
PROJTYPE Integer ^2 Type List:3 entries
1 = Time and Materials
2 = Fixed Price
3 = Cost Plus
REVREC Integer Accounting Method List:7 entries
1 = Completed Project
2 = Total Cost Percentage Complete
3 = Labor Hours Percentage Complete
4 = Billings and Costs
5 = Project Percentage Complete
6 = Category Percentage Complete
8 = Accrual-Basis
CUSTOMER String*12 Customer Mask: %-12C
INVTYPE Integer Invoice Type List:2 entries
1 = Item
2 = Summary